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NESALL - Where Champions are Born

Standing Rules






B.      GENERAL. 10


D.     AAA DIVISION.. 11

E.      AA DIVISION.. 11




A.     GENERAL. 14



D.     AAA DIVISION.. 17

E.      AA & A DIVISIONS. 18

F.      AA DIVISION.. 18

G.     A DIVISION (Machine Pitch rules will remain the same as 2010-2011 rules). 19

H.     ROOKIE. 20

I.       T-BALL GAME. 21


E.      A-DIVISION.. 22




C.      9 & 10 ALL STARS. 25


SECTION X: TAD – Training and Development. 27


A.     EQUIPMENT. 27

B.      UNIFORMS. 27

C.      PRACTICES. 27

SECTION XII SENIORS DIVISION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 29

     A. INTERMEDIATE DIVISION………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. .29

     B. JUNIOR DIVISION……………….………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 31

     C. SENIOR DIVISION…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 32

Section XIII: Code of Conducts………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33

      A. Volunteer/Coach Code of Conduct………………………………………………………………………………………………… 33

      B. Player Code of Conduct…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 34

      C.  Sport Parent Code of Conduct……………………………………………………………………………………………..………. 36

       D. Disciplinary Policy………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 37






All matters contained herein are intended to further establish basic ground rules and responsibilities for all adults designated herein for what is hoped will provide more uniform, interesting and meaningful participation for players. These rules are in addition to the Official Little League Rules and Regulations. (These rules apply to all divisions unless noted.)


A.   The Manager Selection Committee shall be chaired by the President and shall consist of all Board of Directors present at a regularly scheduled meeting.

B.   The Board of Directors shall accept manager and coach applications for all divisions beginning during mid-season of the previous year and until all positions are filled.

1.    Applicants understand that applications are accepted without any guarantee of a team or division preference.

2.    All applicants are subject to approval by the Board of Directors upon clearance of a background check reviewed by Little League.

C.   The President shall submit for approval those applications he/she believes best fulfill the criteria detailed in Section 1-E.

D.   The Board of Directors shall make the final approval of all manager and coach appointments.


1.    Ability to manage and relate to children of Little League age.

2.    Past experience in NESALL or other similar experiences as outlined in the application, along with personal interviews (should the Board deem this necessary) shall be the basis of this determination.

3.    Adherence to Little League and NESALL rules and regulations.

4.    Ability to conduct oneself in a manner as not to be detrimental to the best interests of NESALL and Little League Baseball. (Little League Baseball bylaws Article 6, Paragraph 3-a).

5.    Personal conduct on field of play during games and team practices.

6.    Selection and conduct of Coach.

7.    Attitude toward and past performance regarding the following:

                                        a.    Home Team responsibilities on game days.

                                        b.    Scheduled Team Field Maintenance Days.

                                        c.    Umpiring assignments.

                                        d.    Snack Bar Duties.

                                        e.    League Activities.

8.    Treatment of and prompt return of league equipment.

                                        a.    If equipment from a past season has not been returned, this will determine if person is eligible for a team.

9.    All Managers and Coaches are subject to approval by the Board of Directors upon clearance of Megan's Law application.

F.    The Board of Directors shall perform a continuing evaluation of all Managers and Coaches performances throughout the season.

1.    Mid-season evaluation meeting for all Managers and Coaches (T-ball – Senior).

G.   All Members of the league are to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times in accordance with the rules of conduct.


A.   Each team will be allowed one (1) Manager and two (2) Coaches in the dugout during games.

B.   Team Managers shall select a full participating Coach upon Board of Directors approval.

1.    Coach applications should be turned into the League President.

                                        a.    A Coach cannot be selected until after completion of all drafts.

                                        b.    A selected Coach shall be made aware that his or her responsibilities are not less than those of the Manager.

C.   Team Managers shall select a Team Parent to represent their teams as outlined in Section III, no later than one (1) week after the team draft.

1.    Failure to present a Team Parent will require the Manager to attend all Team Parent meetings.

D.   All Managers and Coaches shall maintain their field as called upon to do so by the Field Maintenance Director.

1.    Team Field Maintenance Days.

2.    Home Team Managers Game Day Responsibilities.

                                        a.    Placement and return of all bases.

                                        b.    Chalk the field (if needed).

                                        c.    Set-up and put away back stop.

                                        d.    Provide game day balls.

                                        e.    Provide Official Scorekeeper.

i.      Managers shall select an Official Score Keeper no later than one (1) week after the team draft to represent their teams as outlined in Section IV. The score keeper or the Coach must attend the scorekeeping clinic.

a.    If the designated scorekeeper is not available or has not arrived by fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled game time, the Umpire or Duty officer must appoint either the Manager or Coach of the Home Team who then becomes the Official Scorekeeper of the game. The appointed scorekeeper shall then keep score within the confines of the score booth and there-after shall not participate in the game while scorekeeping. If a replacement scorekeeper is found, the Manager or Coach may return to the game.


3.    It is each Team’s responsibility to ensure that the dugouts are cleaned out following each game.

4.    Failure of representation of either the Manager or Coach will require the Manager to appear before the League Ethics/Disciplinary Committee. (As described in Section II.P).

E.   All Managers and Coaches shall Umpire as scheduled by the Umpire-In-Chief.

1.    Umpiring assignments shall not conflict with a team’s regular game schedule.

2.    It shall be the Managers and Coaches FIRM RESPONSIBILITY to comply with the assignment in person or by pre-arranged League qualified substitutes.

3.    Failure to comply shall result in the following MANDATORY disciplinary actions. These actions are not negotiable, are not subject to Board of Director approval and are FINAL.

1ST MISSED ASSIGNMENT: MANAGER SUSPENDED FOR ONE (1) GAME ASSIGNMENT (Manager is not allowed on premises during suspended game day).




F.    All Managers shall be responsible for the care, treatment and return of all NESALL property and equipment.

1.    Managers shall return all League property to the Equipment and Uniform Chairperson immediately following their teams' final tournament game.

G.   All Managers and Coaches are to conduct themselves in a sportsmanlike manner at all times.

1.    Profanity and/or un-sportsmanlike conduct in front of children will not be tolerated as stated in the "Rules of Conduct".

H.   All Managers and Coaches shall support League events and encourage team player and parent participation in these same events as well.

1.    Scheduled Team Field Maintenance Days.

                                        a.    Mandatory 50% participation.

i.      If less than 50% participation.

a.    First Offense: Loss of field privileges for one (1) weeks practice.

b.    Second Offense: One (1) game suspension for the Manager – Manager is not allowed on premises during suspended game day.

c.    Third Offense: Manager will be brought before the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee to determine eligibility to continue Coaching.

2.    Scheduled Snack Bar Duty.

                                        a.    Mandatory participation of three (3) parents per assigned shift.

                                                      i.        If participation is less than three (3) parents per assigned shift.

a.    First Offense: Loss of field privileges for one (1) weeks practice.

b.    Second Offense: One (1) game suspension for the Manager – Manager is not allowed on premises during suspended game day.

c.    Third Offense: Manager will be brought before the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee to determine eligibility to continue Coaching.

                                                    ii.        Volunteers must be at least sixteen (16) years old.

I.     All Managers and Coaches shall conduct at least one (1) team practice per week in addition to regularly scheduled games.

J.    All Managers will adhere to and monitor all pitching eligibility regulations as described in Little League Rule VI (this includes pre-season).

1.    NESALL will play under the Pitch Count Regulation.

2.    Failure to know and understand or to comply with this regulation could be injurious to a player.

3.    Managers shall be subject to disciplinary action by the Board of Directors for violation of these pitching regulations (this includes pre-season).

4.    The Official Scorekeeper is the game official designated by the Board of Directors to track pitch count. Only the Official Scorekeepers document will be used as the official game document

5.    T-Ball only: due to insurance considerations and Little League Baseball requirements, there is to be no pitching by Managers, Coaches, or players at the T-Ball level AT ANY TIME.

6.    No twelve (12) year old may pitch in the Minors at any time.

K.   No person in any capacity (Manager, Coach, Parent or Player) shall conduct any form of batting practice with a hard or flex ball on the NESALL fields, Sierra school fields and/or Grand Avenue Methodist Church fields prior to scheduled games/

1.    The use of wiffle balls is prohibited on the field on game day.

2.    Managers may schedule to use the batting cages, for a nominal fee, up to one (1) hour prior to game time on game days.

                                        a.    Batting cages will be scheduled on a first come first serve basis.

3.    Soft toss may be performed in the batting cages only and with the supervision of an approved Coach or Team Parent.

**These rules are implemented for safety of all involved**

L.    If the Umpire removes a Manager or Coach from the game, he/she shall appear before the Umpire involved and the League Ethics/Disciplinary Committee which must include the Umpire-in-Chief.

M.  If the Umpire removes a player from the game, the player and his Manager shall appear before the Umpire involved and the League Ethics/Disciplinary Committee which must include the Umpire-in-Chief.

N.   The League Executive and Ethics/Disciplinary Committee are empowered to invoke a one (1) game suspension for the rule violations or can recommend removal to the entire Board of Directors.

O.   Once the Northeast Santa Ana Little League Standing Rules has been accepted by the Manager and/or Coach he/she is responsible for all assignments including but not limited to: umpiring, field maintenance and snack bar duties.

1.    Managers, Coaches and Board Members that fail to adhere to the standing rules shall appear before the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee.

                                        a.    The Ethics/Disciplinary Committee shall consist of the following: The President and/or Vice-President, the officer of the day the infraction occurred, and one additional member of the Board of Directors appointed by the President (Whenever the violation is the responsibility of a specific board member, i.e. uniforms, equipment etc., that board member shall be appointed).

                                        b.    The Ethics/Disciplinary Committee shall meet at 8:00 AM on all Saturdays that have regularly scheduled games, if there is business for the committee.


A.   The function of the Team Parent is to assist the Manager and Coach in matters relating to the Team and League as described below, all are designed for betterment of the League in its efforts to promote family involvement in a wholesome family activity. These duties are as follows:

1.    To communicate and coordinate team picture details with parents and players, ordering of pictures and coordination with the auxiliary and/or the responsible Board Members.

2.    Soliciting parent volunteers for field maintenance, snack shop assignments and Auxiliary programs.

3.    Encourage League parents to actively support NESALL fund raising activities.

4.    Coordinate and control sales of tickets to the Pancake Breakfast and other activities involving sales of tickets and the collection of money.

5.    Encourage team spirit through team picnics, or other similar family activities that will promote parent good will and support of the team and the league.

6.    Assist the team Manager and Coach in dealing with any parent problems and bring serious grievances to the attention of the League President.

7.    Assist the Scorekeeping Chairman in recruiting Scorekeepers.

8.    The parents of every child playing in the NESALL program shall work a minimum of two (2) 3-hour shifts in the Snack Bar. Only those players whose parents worked their shift will be given a yearbook and team picture at season end.

9.    Team Parents are subject to approval by the Board of Directors based on clearance of Megan's Law application.


A.   In every game the Home Team shall be responsible for providing a capable Official Scorekeeper. All games shall be recorded as played in each division Official Scorebook and signed by the Official Scorekeeper, both Managers and the Home Plate Umpire. Failure to sign and verify the Official Scorebook may result in a recorded loss for both teams.

B.   The Scorekeeping Chairman shall be responsible for the furnishing and maintaining the Official Scorebooks for each division from which the final 'Total Games Record" will be derived.

C.   The Home team shall supply the "Official Scorekeeper".

1.    If the designated scorekeeper is not available or has not arrived by fifteen (15) minutes prior to the scheduled game time, the Umpire or Duty officer must appoint either the Manager or Coach of the Home Team at the option of the Home Team Manager, who becomes the Official Scorekeeper of the game. The appointed Scorekeeper shall then keep score within the confines of the score booth and there-after shall not participate in the game while scorekeeping. If a replacement Scorekeeper is found, the Manager or Coach may return to the game.

D.   The Scorekeeper is obligated to notify the home plate Umpire ONLY of an impending rule violation for ineligible pitchers, substitute play and substitutes playing time. This is to avoid game forfeiture.

E.   The Scorekeeper is the official designated by the Board of Directors to record pitch count it is solely this record that will be used as the official game document Managers are allowed to inquire on the official pitch count total at any point during a game. The Scorekeeper will not offer or give pitch count information unless asked by the Manager, approved Coach or Umpire.

F.    According to the Little League Rules, a complete game is one that goes three and one-half (3 1/2) innings with the Home Team leading, or four (4) innings with the Visiting Team leading. If a Major, AAA team is ten (10) runs or more ahead after both teams have had the same number of innings at bat, but the time limit has expired before that game is a complete game within the confines of this section; that team shall be declared the winner and the game complete regardless of the number of innings played.


   A.        As stated in Little League Rules and Official Regulations, subtitle "Tryouts" and regulation IV, subtitle F, "Any candidate failing to attend at least fifty percent (50%)* of tryouts, shall forfeit League eligibility for that year".

1.    Player Agent may schedule special tryouts as deemed necessary.

2.    The Board of Directors must approve exceptions.

   B.        GENERAL

1.    The draft location and time shall be announced as early as possible.

2.    The Managers in the AAA, Majors, Intermediate, Junior, and Senior Division shall make their selections in an open and verbal draft.

3.    The Managers will conduct an AA draft to have equal and competitive teams. This will also allow nine (9) year olds the opportunity to pitch.

4.    A and Rookie division players tryouts are explained in Section V-F

5.    T-Ball division players are pre-assigned to each team per Section V-F.

6.    Inter-Division trades may be made with the PLAYER AGENTS APPROVAL up to and including the evening of the draft. After the close of the draft all trades are subject to approval by the Board of Directors.


1.    The Major division draft shall be conducted in accordance with the Little League Draft System "A" as outlined in the Presidents Manual.

                                        a.    The essence of this procedure is that the last place team of the preceding season gets the 1st choice in round one of the draft.

                                        b.    The next to last place team gets the 2nd choice, and the remaining teams select in the reverse order of the standing. Standing is based on the regular season (Non-Tournament) win - loss records, and the standings in the conference are not a factor.

                                        c.    In the case of ties, a flip of a coin will determine who drafts first and subsequent rounds will be alternated.

2.    In the Major Draft, the Major Manager must declare his intention to draft his own child to the Player Agent. If the child is of League age twelve (12), he/she must be selected prior to the completion of round three (3). If the child's league age is ten (10), or eleven (11), then by the completion of round four (4).

3.    In the Major Draft, the brother or sister of the selected player is held in abeyance to the draft until that team's next selection, and may be selected at that time. A brother or sister of a returning Major player, where the sibling is new to the Majors, the brother or sister must be taken in the third round or subsequent round of sibling of the supplemental draft

                                        a.    Regardless of their age.

4.    In the Major Draft, the child that is both the child of the Manager and the brother or sister of the existing player shall come under the child of the Manager rule.

5.    Each Major Manager drafts thirteen (13) players. The 13th player shall be reinstated in the AAA draft, with full knowledge of the AAA Managers. No AAA Manager shall draft more than two of these players.

6.    In the event that any Major roster is reduced to eleven (11) players or less, the above designated players would be advanced as follows:

                                        a.    The first player selected in the AAA draft from the Majors 13th round will be the first player to be advanced and subsequently in the order as selected by the AAA Managers.

7.    Any players advanced to the Majors after playing in at least 50% of the AAA divisions scheduled games shall be eligible for awards from both teams.

8.    Any player refusing advancement to any Major Team shall be ineligible for advancement to the Major Division for the balance of the season.

   D.        AAA DIVISION

1.    The Managers shall draw numbers one through six, seven, etc. (depending on number of teams) to determine the order of player selection. Odd number rounds shall select in order of lowest through highest. Even round shall select in the reverse order.

2.    In the AAA Division draft, the brother or sister of the selected player MUST BE SELECTED AT THE NEXT SELECTION for that team if the parents so designate.

3.    In the AAA Division draft the Manager must declare his intention to draft his own child to the player agent. If the child is league age ten (10), eleven (11) or twelve (12) he must be selected prior to the completion of the third (3rd) round. If league age nine (9) or below they must be selected by the fourth (4th) round.

4.    As stated in Article C of this section a 13th player was chosen by each Major team. These players will be moved up to the Majors when there is a vacancy in the Majors base on when they were drafted in the AAA draft.

5.    Any player who does not participate in tryouts will not be eligible to pitch in the AAA division.

6.    12 year olds are not eligible to pitch in AAA Division.

   E.        AA DIVISION

1.    The Managers shall draw numbers one through six, seven, etc. (depending on number of teams) to determine the order of player selection. Odd number rounds shall select in order of lowest through highest. Even round shall select in the reverse order.

2.    In the AA Division draft, the brother or sister of the selected player MUST BE SELECTED AT THE NEXT SELECTION for that team if the parents so designate.

3.    In the AA Division draft the Manager must declare his intention to draft his own child to the player agent. If the child is league age eight (8), nine (9), ten (10) he must be selected prior to the completion of the third (3rd) round. If league age seven (7) or below they must be selected by the fourth (4th) round.

4.    Any player who does not participate in tryouts will not be eligible to pitch in the AA division.

5.    Ten (10) year olds are not eligible to pitch in AA Division.


1.    The A & Rookie Division players shall be graded during try-outs by each member of the selected group and a selection sequence list produced. A representative of the Board of Directors shall merge the lists by averaging the selection position of the lists provided. These rankings determine placement.

2.    The draft form for A through T-Ball shall be a form listing all eligible players on a format with the team numbers along the top margin and the draft round running down the left margin.

3.    A & Rookie Division shall have the names placed on the form by ranking. As follows: The upper left comer (team one round one) shall list the number one ranked nine year olds and the balance of the names shall be listed in order of rank across each round reversing order of place on each consecutive round until all nine year olds have been placed. The lower right comer (last team-last round) shall list the number one ranked eight year olds and shall continue across the page in order of place in each consecutive round until all eight (8) year olds have been placed.

4.    At the beginning of the draft all Managers shall draw for team number as outlined above. After all teams have been selected a Manager and Coach may transfer own child to his assigned team by automatic exchange with the player of his own team assigned on the same round on the draft sheet.

5.    Any brother or sister combinations that have been specified, as same team by the parents shall be moved within the same round as outlined above. The brother or sister with the highest ranking shall take precedence and will not move unless absolutely necessary. (Highest ranking shall be considered based on age first), and if more than one brother or sister of the same league age, then the higher ranking shall prevail.

6.    If extreme conflicts would exist between a Manager and a player on his assigned team, then he may attempt to arrange an exchange with any Manager present on the basis of an exchange within the same round. No such exchanges shall be made once the draft is closed except with the approval of the Board of Directors.

7.    Should there be an insufficient number of Managers for all the teams in a division the Manager Selection Committee shall immediately undertake to evaluate the available parents of the Manager less team(s) and persuade suitable parents to accept the Manager and Coaching positions.

8.    Placement of T-Ball players shall be random listing by a representative of the Board of Directors who does not manage or Coach at the T-Ball level.


A.   Senior, Junior, Intermediate, Majors, and AAA Divisions shall field nine (9) players with three (3) players being positioned in the outfield, except when this is impossible because of injured or absent players. If this situation should occur, the Manager with the most players shall have the option to play nine players, which must be decided prior to the regular scheduled starting time.

B.   AA, A & Rookie Divisions shall field ten (10) players with four (4) players being positioned in the outfield, except when this is impossible because of injured or absent players. If this situation should occur, the Manager with the most players shall have the option to play ten players, which must be decided prior to the regular scheduled starting time.

C.   T-Ball shall field all roster players on defense, with a maximum of six (6) infielders. The balance of players shall position themselves in the outfield. No defensive players shall be positioned inside the foul ball circle (example: catcher) before or while the ball is in play.

D.   In the event of three (3) consecutive absences by a player from either practice or games, the Manager, shall notify the Player Agent for appropriate action. The player may be dropped from the team unless he has a legitimate excuse for his absences. While a player may be disciplined for an excused practice or game absenteeism or other league infractions, Managers are directed to use the utmost discretion in this action.


1.    The schedule shall be presented to the manager at the annual manager and coaches meeting. The schedule will determine the point between the first and second half.

2.    1st & 2nd Half Champions

                                        a.    The winner of each half will be decided on the win/loss record by percentage in the half after all games in that half are final.

                                        b.    A two-team tie will be decided by a one game playoff on a prescheduled day or ASAP by the Player Agent.

                                        c.    If three or more teams are tied the tie breaker is the LOWEST DEFENSIVE RUN AVERAGE PER INNING OF DEFENSE PLAYED. (defensive runs allowed/defensive innings carried to four decimal places)

                                        d.    Over All League Champion

                                                      i.        One team wins both halves.

                                                    ii.        Championship game playoff on a prescheduled day or ASAP by the Player Agent.

                                        e.    2nd Place in the League

i.      If one team wins both halves, the remaining team(s) with the best total season win/loss record by percentage is second place.

ii.    If each half has a different champion, the loser of the League Championship game will be the second place team.


   A.        GENERAL

1.    If a player is not in attendance at the beginning of a game should be listed as absent on the lineup card. If the player shows up late, the Manager must immediately advise the Umpire, the official scorekeeper and the opposing Manager and declare whether or not the late comer will be in the game or disciplined. In every instance, any player once entered must complete the required innings to comply with the Standing Rules Section VII herein.

2.    The Umpire-In-Chief will be responsible for making a confirmation call to the scheduled Umpires the night before each game.

3.    NESALL will inter-league with all Santa Ana Little Leagues (Majors, AAA, AA, and A).  Games will be played under City Tournament rules.  Additional rules will be distributed when available from the Santa Ana Assistant District Administrator.

                                        a.    The traveling team will always be the visitor.

                                        b.    Home team will provide game balls

                                        c.    Game balls will be returned to the home league

                                        d.    Pool play will be initiated for visiting team fifteen (15) minutes after official game time and visiting team is short players.


                                        a.    Pitching affidavits will be reviewed on a weekly basis. Managers found to be in violation of pitching rules will be brought before the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee.

                                        b.    Each Manager is responsible for maintaining a copy of the pitching affidavit and presents it to the official scorekeeper when he submits his line-up for the game.

                                        c.    A traveling Manager who has forgotten his pitching affidavit must contact the home league to obtain the pitching information from the previous game to establish eligibility prior to the start of the game.

5.    At thirty (30) minutes before a scheduled starting of any game, the visiting team shall take the field for warm up drills. At twenty (20) minutes before the scheduled starting time of any game, the home team shall take the field for warm up drills. Pre-game warm-ups are limited to ten (10) minutes. DO NOT HIT BASEBALLS WHILE THE OTHER TEAM IS ON THE FIELD.

6.    The Manager is responsible in presenting the starting lineup cards to the official scorekeeper at least ten (10) minutes before game time. The lineup card must be complete with the position, uniform numbers and first and last names that must be legible.

7.    The Manager is responsible to notify the Scorekeeper and the Umpire of the following:

                                        a.    Players who have been disciplined. (Restricted from playing).

                                        b.    Player absences as discussed under Section VI-D.

                                        c.    Pitching Affidavit

8.    Game will start after the Little League Pledge and Pledge of Allegiance have been performed at home plate.

9.    More is lost than ever won in a protested game. Every Manager, Coach and Umpire is directed to avoid this action whenever possible. Furthermore, it should be noted that as stated in Little League rule 4.19, "No protest shall be considered on a decision involving an Umpire's judgment". No protest shall be considered unless the protest is in writing and submitted to the Umpire-in-Chief and/or the League Vice-President within twenty-four hours (24) of the protested game.

                                        a.    Protests of inter-league games will be resolved by the home league's committee with the addition of the division coordinator of the visiting league.

                                        b.    In every game, every starter and substitute must participate in two (2) innings of play consisting of eighteen (18) outs. Those players not completing twelve (12) consecutive outs, MUST start the next league game, and play twenty-four (24) consecutive outs. All substitutions must be in the game prior to the start of the fourth inning. No penalties shall be enforced for games shortened by weather. When the Manager or Coach fails to comply they must appear in front of the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee.

10. Any NESALL game shall not start a new inning after an hour and forty-five minutes (1:45).

                                        a.    If a regulation game is called in less than six (6) innings because of darkness, the final score shall revert to the last full inning of play. It shall be the Umpires responsibility to make every effort to keep the game moving along to complete six (6) innings of play within two (2) hours, so long as in his judgment it is safe for the players to do so.

                                        b.    In A-Division, no new inning may be started after one hour and thirty minutes (1:30). In T­BALL a game shall consist of three innings. No T-Ball game shall start a new inning after one hour and fifteen minutes (1:15).

11. Little League Rules 4.10 - 4.12 shall dictate as to whether a meeting between two (2) teams is:

                                        a.        Regulation game - (Final)

                                        b.        Unfinished - (to be played again from where it left off)

                                        c.        Mercy Rule:

i.      In the Major division a game which has completed four (4) innings with one team leading by ten (10) runs or more shall the Manager of the losing team may concede the game. The Umpire will call the game as a complete game.

12. Umpires are directed to continue all tie games until there is a winner as defined in Little League Rule 4.12b provided that, in his judgment, it is safe for the players to do so. This rule shall take precedence over the time limits outlined in Section VII-A.10. Umpire will make a decision as to continuance of the game.

13. Unavoidable tie games must be resumed to a conclusion in accordance to Little League Rule 4.12 and pitching eligibility as defined in Little League Regulation VI applies.

14. The player agent shall schedule a tie game for continuation as soon as it is possible prior to the season end.

15. Due to insurance requirements only eligible (Disciplined etc. are not eligible) uniformed players, Manager, Coach, and Umpires are permitted with the confines of the playing field. This includes the dugouts.

16. During pre-game and between inning defensive warm-ups ALL OFFENSIVE PLAYERS SHALL REMAIN IN THEIR RESPECTIVE DUGOUTS. The only exception to this rule shall be pitcher and catcher in the bullpen. The player "At Bat" shall remain in the dugout until the game ball is returned to the pitcher and play is ready to resume.

                                        a.    NO Division shall have on-deck hitters; all offensive players are to be in the dugout other than the hitter and base runners.

17. Home Plate Umpire shall notify the scorekeeper of the Official Starting Time.

18. If a game cannot be played because one team fails to field nine (9) players on the field before the game begins an automatic forfeit will occur unless the Board of Directors rules otherwise. Only the Duty Officer will make this determination.

                                        a.    A practice game may be played between two (2) NESALL scheduled teams if desired by approval of both Managers. Players may be combined or added to make teams of nine players each. Pitching eligibility will be accounted for in the scorebook. Mangers are responsible for pitching eligibility in the scorebook.

19. Prior to the first pitch of the fourth inning, the Home Plate Umpire shall confirm that all eligible substitutes have entered the game. When a Manager or Coach fails to make changes at the top of the forth, they must go before the Ethics/Disciplinary Committee.

20. At the moment the final out in any full inning is made, the next inning begins.

21. In the event of a serious injury on the playing field, while the ball is in play the Umpire may call time to attend to such injured player. The Umpires sole discretion shall determine where the base runners shall be placed when play resumes.

22. ALL DIVISIONS - Offensive teams shall be allowed only one (1) offensive time-out per inning.

23. Divisions AAA and below - To comply with Little League rule 4.16, a game may not be started with less than nine (9) players on each team. A team that cannot field nine (9) players may borrow players from the opposing team. The Duty Officer must be present during the borrowing process.

                                        a.    A pool of players from existing regular season teams can be created with players that are willing to participate in extra games during the regular season when teams face a shortage of rostered players for a regular season game.


1.    The league's Player Agent will create and run the pool. The league's Player Agent will use the pool to assign players to teams that are short of players on a rotating basis.

2.    Managers and/or Coaches will not have the right to randomly pick and choose players from the pool.

3.    Players used from the pool will not be allowed to pitch and must play outfield, except during the players own regular season scheduled game.

4.    Pool players that are called and show up at the game site must play at least nine consecutive defensive outs and bat once.


1.    There is a continuous batting line up; there is not a restriction to how many times a team goes through this line up in an inning.

                                        a.    If a player shows late he/she is put at the end of the line-up. Failure to do so before the players batting position is reached can result in a batting out of order according to rule 6.07.

                                        b.    If a player leaves the game due to any reason (injury, sickness, parents, etc) the Manager must notify the scorekeeper and Umpire. Failure to do so before the players batting position is reached can result in a batting out of order according to rule 6.07.

i.      If the player is hurt during their time on defense, you can substitute if legal, and the player may return as long as they do not miss their at bat.

2.    Major Division must have one (1) adult base Coach in the first or third base Coach's box as long as there is an adult in the dugout and one (1) player Coach. Player Coach must wear an approved batting helmet while in the Coach's box.

                                        a.    If only one (1) approved parent is available then two (2) player Coaches may be used.

3.   Majors and AAA will play dropped third strike rule.

   D.        AAA DIVISION

1.    Every player on an AAA roster must play five (5) complete six (6)-inning game (eighteen defensive outs) during the regular season. Or the player must average four (4) innings a game. (Based on the total innings the player played divided by total games the player played).

2.    Per Little League Rules (2008 rule change) maximum runs scored per inning is five (5) runs.

                                        a.    There is no limit to the runs scored in the sixth (6th) inning only!

3.    AAA Division must have two (2) adult base Coaches one (1) in the first (1st) base Coach’s box and one (1) in the third (3rd) base Coach's box as long as there is an adult in the dugout and one (1) player Coach. Player Coach must wear an approved batting helmet while in the Coach's box.

                                        a.    If only one (1) approved parent is available then two (2) player Coaches may be used.

   E.        AA & A DIVISIONS

1.    The AA & A Divisions shall comply with the Official Little League Rules and Regulations and the NESALL Standing Rules with the following exceptions:

                                        a.    AA & A shall use a continuous line-up of all eligible players with a maximum of one (1) time though the line -up per inning, no matter if one team has more players.

                                        b.    Each team will field ten (10) players on defense (four (4) outfielders). If one (1) team only has nine (9) players, the opposing Manager may choose to field only nine (9) players, however must play the entire game in this fashion.

                                        c.    Illegal pitch and Infield Fly Rules shall not be used in the AA & A divisions

                                        d.    AA & A Divisions shall have no player base Coaches at any time. Minimum one (1) approved Coach or Manager must be in the dugout at all times.

                                        e.    A runner on third base at the beginning of a play (pitch) can only advance if the batter hits a ball in play or is forced in by a base on balls, a hit batsman or catcher's interference.

                                         f.    Per Little League Rules (2008 rule change) the maximum runs scored per inning is five (5) runs.

                                        g.    There is no limit to the runs scored in the sixth (6th) inning only!

    F.        AA DIVISION

1.    Eight (8) and nine (9) year olds are allowed to pitch only (no exceptions)!

2.    Stealing of second and third is only allowed when the catcher drops the pitch. The runner may advance one (1) base on an over thrown ball to second base only. The runner does so at risk! A runner stealing third may not advance home on an over thrown ball.

3.    No stealing of home base is allowed. A runner must be batted or forced to home base.

4.    Runners:

                                        a.    May advance to the next base on a ball hit to the outfield until the ball is fielded by a defensive player, thrown back to the infield and controlled by an infielder who must be in a position to stop the forward progress of the runner. Once the fielder stops the progress of the runner and the runner returns to the base, the Umpire shall call the play dead. If the ball is returned to the pitcher, the pitcher may request time from the Umpire if all runners are on base.

                                        b.    All runners are at risk of being put out by the defense if they are not on a base while the ball is in play.

                                        c.    Runner may advance only one base on an overthrown ball by the defense. Runner is at risk of being put out on the advance. A runner who is advancing on an overthrow at first base may only advance to second, even if the defense overthrows second base making an attempt on the advance.

   G.        A DIVISION (Machine Pitch rules will remain the same as 2010-2011 rules)

1.    A twelve foot (12') circle will be placed around the pitching machine (dead zone) prior to the start of the game.

                                        a.    A ball hit through the dead zone is a live ball.

                                        b.    A ball which hits the pitching machine is a dead ball. Runners will advance one base if forced and batter will be awarded first base.

                                        c.    A ball which hits the Coach is a dead ball. The lead runner will be ruled out and the batter awarded first base. If no runners are on base at start of play, ball is ruled foul.

2.    Field will be marked with an 8' semi-circle in front of home plate. The ball must pass this line when hit or it will be ruled a foul. Defensive players must remain outside of the circle at all times.

3.    Field will be marked prior to the start of the game with a line midway between first and second bases, second and third, and third and home plate. This line will be used to determine which base to award the runner when the ball is ruled dead.

4.    No new inning will be started after one hour and thirty minutes (1:30).

5.    Maximum six (6) defensive outs at one position.

                                        a.    Players must play at least three (3) defensive outs on the infield per game. Any player not playing three (3) defensive outs on the infield during game must start the next game on the infield and play at least two six (6) defensive outs on the infield. (NOTE: if the inning is called due to the offense scoring five (5) runs or batting through the order, the defensive player is deemed to have played three (3) defensive outs - Little League Regulation IV (i) Note 3)

6.    Game Play:

                                        a.    The pitcher will start with one (1) foot inside the dead zone when the ball is put into play. The play becomes dead when the pitcher has the ball with one (1) foot inside the dead zone.

i.      Base runners may advance at their own risk until the ball is within the dead zone in the possession of the pitcher.

ii.    If the base runner continues to advance and is passed the mid-point between the bases when the ball is ruled dead, the runner will be awarded next base.

                                        b.    If the runner is not advancing to the next base, or has not passed the mid-point between bases, the runner will be placed on the last base which he/she safely obtained.

                                        c.    No runner may advance more than two (2) bases on a batted ball unless the ball is hit over the fence.

7.    Fielders will occupy traditional fielding positions with four (4) fielders in the outfield.

                                        a.    Outfielders are not allowed to assume infield positions after ball is put into play.

8.    The batter will receive six (6) pitches in an at bat to put the ball in play. If the sixth pitch is fouled off by the batter, they will receive additional pitches until they put the ball in play or swing and miss.

                                        a.    If a pitch is ruled un-hittable by the Umpire, the batter will receive an extra pitch.

9.    A batter not putting the ball in play after six (6) pitches will be ruled out.

10. If a thrown ball hits the Coach or pitching machine, the ball will be ruled dead by the Umpire and the Umpire will determine which base to award any advancing base runners based upon their position between the bases.

11. No bunting. Ball must travel beyond the 8' semi-circle in front of home plate.

12. No infield fly rule.

13. A pitched ball that hits the batter is a dead ball. Batter is not awarded first base.

14. Rule 7:13 is in effect runner leaving early.

15. No stealing.

16. A level 5 ball will be used for the first (1st) half of the season.

17. A hard ball will be used for the second (2nd) half of the season.

   H.        ROOKIE 

1.    Teams will be allowed four (4) approved adults on the field (1 Manager/ 3 Coaches/Team Parent)

                                        a.        Three (3) Defensive Coaches will be allowed on the field during play:

i.      Two (2) in foul territories to coach defense.

ii.    One (1) off to the side behind home plate to retrieve balls.

iii.   One (1) Coach will remain in dugout with remaining players.

                                        b.        Three (3) Offensive Coaches will be allowed on the field during play:

i.      One (1) will pitch

ii.    The Coach pitching is not allowed to coach base runners.

iii.   Two (2) Coaches will coach runners at first and third base.

                                        c.        One (1) Coach will remain in the dugout with players.

2.    Players will be pitched to by the Coach at a minimum of twenty feet (20’) from home plate.

                                        a.    The Coach will throw overhand.

3.    If the defense catches a hit fly ball the batter is declared out and the play is called dead. All base runners return to their previous base without the risk of being put out

4.    Each team will field ten (10) players on defense (minimum of nine (9)).

5.    Minimum play requirements:

                                        a.    Each player is required to play a minimum of nine (9) defensive outs (three (3) innings). Players not playing nine (9) defensive outs must start next game and play twelve (12) defensive outs.

6.    Maximum six (6) defensive outs at one position.

                                        a.    Players must play at least three (3) defensive outs on the infield per game. Any player not playing three (3) defensive outs on the infield during game must start the next game on the infield and play at least two six (6) defensive outs on the infield. (NOTE: if the inning is called due to the offense scoring five (5) runs or batting through the order, the defensive player is deemed to have played three (3) defensive outs - Little League Regulation IV (i) Note 3)

     I.        T-BALL GAME

1.    All roster players shall play defense and have one (1) at bat per inning.

2.    The T-Ball field shall have an eight foot (8') semicircle in front of home plate. Hit balls must pass this line or be deemed foul. Defensive players are to remain outside the circle at all times.

3.    The Offensive Manager is responsible for removing the batting tee and fielding any throws into a circle when a runner is attempting to score.

4.    Any runners put out on the base paths shall return to the dugout area, all runners advancing safely shall continue on the base paths regardless of the number of outs recorded until the conclusion of the half-inning.

5.    Adult supervision or coaching shall be limited to three (3) adults on the field per team.

6.    The Offensive Team shall position the Coaches at Home Plate (the tee) and first and third base Coaches' boxes.

7.    The Defensive team shall be limited to one (1) Coach in the infield and two (2) Coaches in the outfield.

8.    All T-Ball players must be rotated to different defensive positions every inning. The batting order is not affected. All players must play both infield and outfield.

9.    Scorekeeping:

                                        a.    The goals of T-Ball are to teach the basic skills to advance in the Little League Baseball Program. All games are for fun and scorekeeping is not recommended or recognized.

10. T-Ball will use the FLEX Ball.


   A.        Following the regular season schedule and the determination of League Champions there shall be League Tournaments in each division involving all teams regardless of their season standing. These shall be single game elimination Tournaments with first round pair-offs determined by a blind draw by the Managers.

   B.        If there are separate champions of each half the two (2) teams shall meet in the first round. The first champion selected in the blind draw shall determine game time. If the first champion is drawn as the first team in a bracket; the remaining champion shall be placed as the opponent If the first champion is drawn as the second team in a bracket the champion shall be placed in the next available game with the other champion and the next draw shall fill the original bracket

   C.        If there is a single champion of both halves the champion shall meet the second place team over all in the first round. The first of these teams selected in the blind draw shall determine game time. If the first of these two teams is drawn as the first team in a bracket, the remaining team shall be placed as the opponent. If the first of these two teams is drawn as the second team in a bracket the team drawn shall be placed in the next available game with the other team and the next draw shall fill the original bracket.

   D.        In the case of any ties for second, the first second place team drawn will assume the spot of the second place team for the purpose of this tournament's bracketing.

   E.        A-DIVISION

1.    Trophies will be awarded for Gail Walker Tournament only not for the regular season.

2.    There will be no posting of team standings during the regular season

3.    Tournament rules will be the same as regular season with the following exceptions:

                                        a.    Official score will be kept.

                                        b.    A maximum of five (5) runs will be allowed per inning

i.      Teams will be allowed to score unlimited runs in the sixth (6th) inning only.

                                        c.    A batter will receive six (6) pitches to put the ball in play.

i.      If the batter swings and misses at three (3) pitched, he is out. No called strikes.

                                        d.    Mercy Rule:

i.      A team leading by twelve (12) or more runs after four innings will be declared the winner. If the home team is ahead by more than twelve (12) runs after the top of the fourth inning is completed, the game will be complete.

                                        e.    All players will play nine (9) defensive outs. Failure to comply with this rule will result in a forfeit.

                                         f.    Forfeit does not apply to games called due to time restrictions.

    F.        The champion and any second place teams are not eligible for bye games. All other teams are eligible for the bye game.

   G.        Determination of the Home Team will be determined by a coin toss governed by the President Duty Officer or other approved Board Member.




1.    A member of the Board of Directors designated by the President shall compile a list of candidates for All Star Manager from the eligible candidates. This list shall be approved by the board of Directors before being submitted to a vote in Little League Rules Section lX.A-2

2.    The Major and eleven (11) year old All-Star Manager shall be selected by vote of all Major Division players, The Major and eleven year old All-Star Coach(es) shall be selected by the Major All -Star Manager.

3.    The 9/10 All-Star Manager shall be selected by vote of all AAA Division players and the (ten) 10 year olds in the Majors, the 9/10 All-Star Coach(es) shall be selected by the All-Star Manager.

4.    All Star Managers and Coaches must be regular season roster Managers and Coaches in the NESALL program.

5.    In the event of a tie in the vote for any All-Star Manager, the Board of Directors shall select the All-Star Manager by a simple Majority vote of the Board of Directors within 24 hours. Vote to be conducted and tabulated by phone by the election officers.

   B.        MAJOR ALL STARS

1.    The Major All-Star Selection Committee shall be comprised of all Major Managers and one (1) roster Coach from each Major team. This committee shall be overseen by the President and Player Agent or another appointed board member.

2.    The Major All-Star Selection Committee will meet prior to voting for the Major and (eleven) 11 year old All-Star teams. They will meet to discuss the ability of the eligible players to make certain that those players most deserving of the All-Star team are recognized.

3.    The Player Agent will provide a list of players who meet the age and play Criteria for All-Stars to the members of the All-Star Selection Committee. Only players from this list will be considered as candidates for the All-Star Team. Only 11 and 12 year old players that have participated in at least 60% of the regular season games are eligible for All-Stars, (this does not include any tournaments, games scheduled with other leagues or playoff games.)

4.    The Major and (eleven) 11 year old All-Star teams shall be selected each year by the vote of the Managers of the Major All Star Selection Committee and vote of the Major players. The Manager's vote will outweigh the players vote by a ratio of 12-1. In the case of a tie the vote of the Coaches in the Major Alt-Star Committee will decide the outcome of the tie. The Major and (eleven) 11 year old All-Star teams are comprised of at minimum twelve (12) players, ten (10) of them selected by election, the additional two (2) are picked by the Major and 11 year old All-Star Manager.

5.    The Major All-Star team is to be comprised of (twelve) 12 year old players. The Board of Directors may allow an (eleven) 11 year old players to play on this team if recommended by the Major All-Star Selection Committee.

6.    In the event that less than ten (10) players on a Major division team cast ballots, the tabulation team shall adjust the votes cast to reflect twelve (12) votes per team.


8.    Managers Options:

                                        a.    Once the team is put together (called) if a player is unable to be on the team the Manager will replace them with a player from the kids left on the list in SECTION V. Only if all the players on that list our unable to play, the Manager may pick any player eligible in the vote.

   C.        9 & 10 ALL STARS

1.    The 9/10 All-Star Selection Committee shall be comprised of all AAA Managers and one (1) roster Coach from each AAA team. This committee will be overseen by the President and Player Agent or another appointed board member.

2.    The ballot for the 9/10 year old All-Star team will be drafted by the 9/10 year old All-Star Selection Committee. The committee will meet to discuss the ability of the eligible players to make certain that those players most deserving of the All-Star team are placed on the ballot. There is no limit as to how many eligible players a member of the committee can nominate for the ballot

3.    The Player Agent will provide a list of players who meet the age and play criteria for All-Stars to the members of the All-Star Selection Committee. Only players from this list will be considered as candidates for the All-Star Team.

4.    The 9/10 All-Star team shall be selected each year by the vote of the 9/10 year old All Star Selection Committee. The 9/10 year old All-Star teams are comprised of at minimum twelve (12) players, ten (10) of them selected by election, the additional two (2) are picked by the 9/10 All-Star Manager.

5.    The ballots and voting process is to remain confidential.

6.    If sufficient eligible players warrant two separate teams may be chosen. The selected Managers of the 9/10 year old All-Star teams will conduct a tryout of chosen players. The A Team Manager will have first choice of the chosen players. Only the Manager's child will be an exception with the right to play for the team of their Manager/parent. The B Team will be comprised of the remaining players.

7.    Only nine (9) and ten (10) year old players that have participated in at least 50% of the regular season games are eligible for All-Stars, (this does not include any tournaments, games scheduled with other leagues or playoff games.)

8.    Ten (10) year old Major Division Players eligible for All-Stars will be placed on the 9/10 year old All-Star Team. They will be invited to attend tryouts for placement on the A or B All-Star team.

9.    If the vote results in a tie, the 9/10 All-Star Manager shall select the players from the pool of tied players for the final twelve (12) man roster.

10. Managers in the Major and AAA Divisions are eligible to manage the 9/10 All-Star team. The selected All-Star Manager picks the Coaches from any season roster Manager or Coach.

11. If the Majors and AAA Division have fourteen (14) teams or more and three (3) eligible Managers do not volunteer to manage the All-Star Team, the Major and AAA Division Coaches shall then be eligible for election as 9/10 All-Star Manager. With thirteen (13) or less teams in the Major and AAA Division if two (2) Major Division Managers do not volunteer to manage the All-Star team, the Major and AAA Division Coaches shall then be eligible for election as 9/10 All-Star Manager.


13. Managers Options:

                                        a.    In the case of a tie which makes more than (ten) 10 players: (example: four kids tie for the 11th position, two tie for the 12th position, etc.) The Manager picks from the kids that are tied, that he/she wants to be part of the original (ten) 10, the remaining are put back into the alternate pool.

                                        b.    The 9th and 10th positions are chosen from the next eight (8) top players in alternate pool or any eligible Major players. If there is a tie which makes this list more than eight the Manager must choose from the 8 plus the tied players or any eligible Major players. (Example: four kids tie for the 6th position-top 9; three tie for the 8th position-top 10, etc.) ONLY EXCEPTION is the Manager's kids.

                                        c.    Once the team is put together (called) if a player is unable to be on the team the Manager will replace them with a player from the kids left on the list in SECTION V. Only if all the players on that list our unable to play, the Manager may pick any player eligible in the vote.

                                        d.    Once all players are notified the All Star Managers from A-B shall conduct an evaluation of the player's skills. This will determine on what team the player will be placed on.


1.    The board of directors will vote to create teams for MPT with the following options:

                                        a.    Create teams from a pool of players from all minor divisions in which 7/8 year olds play.

i.      Players would be randomly selected by player agent and placed on team.

ii.    Create separate eight (8) year old and seven (7) year old teams

iii.   Whole teams from regular season enter tournament

                                        b.    Managers will be selected from regular season Managers and Coaches.

SECTION X: TAD – Training and Development

A.       Team Selection:

1.    The Manager and Coach may pick up to six (6) players that played at Northeast Santa Ana Little League during Spring season of the current year.

2.    The remaining six (6) players must be assigned by the Player Agent according to a serpentine distribution

3.    A meeting will be held to determine team order


   A.        EQUIPMENT

1.    The League shall provide the necessary practice balls, safety helmets, catcher's equipment and catchers' glove.

2.    Replacement of equipment due to normal wear and/or breakage shall be done at the League's expense.

3.    EQUIPMENT LOSS IS A MANAGER'S RESPONSIBILITY! Replacement of equal quality equipment at the Manager's expense with approval of the League's Equipment Chairman. Failure to replace lost equipment at the Manager's expense may result in legal action.


5.    Only bats and baseballs meeting Little League Standards so specified shall be used in all practices and games.

6.    An individual may purchase their own League approved safety equipment. This must be approved by the league equipment Manager and be identical to what the league issues.

   B.        UNIFORMS

1.    As prescribed by Little League Regulations "Provide All Players with Conventional Uniforms" which shall be worn.

2.    No player or team shall alter or replace all or any part of the League issued uniform, including hats, shirts, socks or pants without approval of the League Uniform Chairman.

3.    No, Manager, Coach, Parent or Sponsor shall buy or furnish accessory items of uniforms or any part thereof for any individual team. (NESALL BY-LAWS ARTICLE 9.)

   C.        PRACTICES

1.    No NESALL team shall conduct any form of practice, up to one (1) hour prior to scheduled game time, on the day of their game on the fields of NESALL, Sierra School, or Grand Avenue Methodist Church.

                                        a.    No team in AA Division or higher will be permitted to use the Grand Avenue Methodist Church fields.

2.    NESALL fields are open for practice only as scheduled by the Board of Directors and outlined in the practice schedule. Practices may be scheduled for the fields in the event of canceled games; however, Board permission must be obtained prior to practice on the field.


4.    Reserving any city park to practice a Northeast team is not allowed and your privileges and rights to use the fields and batting cages will be revoked.

5.    All practice fields are pre-scheduled. (NESALL, Sierra, Portola). Any time a Coach is not going to use a field he must notify the snack bar 48 hours before the scheduled time, so it can be posted. Any posted times are given out on a first come basis. Practice times can be traded or given out between teams at any time.

6.    In effort to keep NESALL clean, there is no gum chewing allowed.




a.    Awards will be handed out if there are four (4) or more teams.

b.    Intermediate time limits and other standing rules regarding game procedures shall be determined by agreement of all leagues involved in the senior division.


a.    The Managers will determine the draft order by a blind draw.

b.    The draft will be a serpentine draft, odd rounds from low to high, even rounds from high to low.

c.    Any players signed up after tryouts, and before draft will be graded by the Draft Committee (Player Agent, Senior Coordinator, or the President. This rating will be told to all Managers at draft.

d.    Any players signed up after their draft will be graded by the Draft Committee. (Player agent, senior coordinator, or the President) They will be place on the team that is determined by this committee.

e.    If determined by this committee an additional team will be added, or switching of players. This is to form a balanced competition between teams.

f.     The age is thirteen (13), fourteen (14), and fifteen (15)

g.    The child of the Manager shall be held in abeyance until the completion of the third round.


a.    If there is one (1) the one team, all the players will be on the All-Star team minus any players that have not been in attendance at least 50% of all the schedule season games. The Manager and Coaches will be the All-Star Manager and Coaches as long as they have had an approved application before half of the season was over.

b.    If two or more teams:

                                                      i.        The players will vote for one (1) Manager.

                                                    ii.        The players will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote represents one (1) vote. Managers from each team will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote is worth twelve (12) votes. In a division with less than six (6) teams, the players shall select nine (9) players by ballot and the Managers shall select nine (9) which will be worth twelve (12) points.

c.    Managers Options:

                                                      i.        In the case of a tie which makes more than twelve (12) players: (example: four kids tie for the 11th position, two tie for the 12th position, etc.) The Manager picks from the kids that are tied, that he/she wants to be part of the original twelve (12), the remaining are put back into the alternate pool.

                                                    ii.        The 13th and 14th positions are chosen from the next eight (8) top players in alternate pool. If there is a tie which makes this list more than eight the Manager must choose from the 8 plus the tied players. (Example: four kids tie for the 6th position -top 9, three tie for the 8th position - top 10, etc.) ONLY EXCEPTION is the Manager's kids.

                                                   iii.        Once the team is put together (called) if a player is unable to be on the team the Manager will replace them with a player from the kids left on the list in SECTION V. Only if all the players on that list our unable to play, the Manager may pick any player eligible in the vote.




a.    Awards will be handed out if there are four (4) or more teams.

b.    Junior time limits and other standing rules regarding game procedures shall be determined by agreement of all leagues involved in the senior division.


a.    The Managers will determine the draft order by a blind draw.

b.    The draft will be a serpentine draft, odd rounds from low to high, even rounds from high to low.

c.    Any players signed up after tryouts, and before draft will be graded by the Draft Committee (Player Agent, Senior Coordinator, or the President. This rating will be told to all Managers at draft.

d.    Any players signed up after their draft will be graded by the Draft Committee. (Player agent, senior coordinator, or the President) They will be place on the team that is determined by this committee.

e.    If determined by this committee an additional team will be added, or switching of players. This is to form a balanced competition between teams.

f.     The age is thirteen (13), fourteen (14), and fifteen (15)

g.    The child of the Manager shall be held in abeyance until the completion of the third round.


a.    If there is one (1) the one team, all the players will be on the All-Star team minus any players that have not been in attendance at least 50% of all the schedule season games. The Manager and Coaches will be the All-Star Manager and Coaches as long as they have had an approved application before half of the season was over.

b.    If two or more teams:

                                                      i.        The players will vote for one (1) Manager.

                                                    ii.        The players will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote represents one (1) vote. Managers from each team will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote is worth twelve (12) votes. In a division with less than six (6) teams, the players shall select nine (9) players by ballot and the Managers shall select nine (9) which will be worth twelve (12) points.

c.    Managers Options:

                                                      i.        In the case of a tie which makes more than twelve (12) players: (example: four kids tie for the 11th position, two tie for the 12th position, etc.) The Manager picks from the kids that are tied, that he/she wants to be part of the original twelve (12), the remaining are put back into the alternate pool.

                                                    ii.        The 13th and 14th positions are chosen from the next eight (8) top players in alternate pool. If there is a tie which makes this list more than eight the Manager must choose from the 8 plus the tied players. (Example: four kids tie for the 6th position -top 9, three tie for the 8th position - top 10, etc.) ONLY EXCEPTION is the Manager's kids.

                                                   iii.        Once the team is put together (called) if a player is unable to be on the team the Manager will replace them with a player from the kids left on the list in SECTION V. Only if all the players on that list our unable to play, the Manager may pick any player eligible in the vote.



a.    Awards will be handed out if there are four (4) or more teams.

b.    Senior time Limits and other standing rules regarding game procedures shall be determined by agreement of all leagues involved in the Senior Division.


a.    The Managers will determine the draft order by a blind draw.

b.    The draft will be a serpentine draft, odd rounds from low to high, even rounds from high to low.

c.    Any players signed up after tryouts, and before draft will be graded by the Draft Committee (Player agent, senior coordinator, or the President. This rating will be told to all Managers at the draft.

d.    Any players signed up after their draft will be graded by the Draft Committee. (Player Agent, Senior Coordinator, or the President) They will be place on the team that is determined by this committee.

e.    If determined by this committee an additional team will be added, or switching of players. This is to form a balanced competition between teams.

f.     The age is fifteen (15) and sixteen (16).

g.    The child of the Manager shall be held in abeyance until the completion of the third round.


a.    If there is one (1) the one team, all the players will be on the All-Star team minus any players that have not been in attendance at least 50% of all the schedule season games. The Manager and Coaches will be the All-Star Manager and Coaches as long as they have had an approved application before half of the season was over.

b.    If two or more teams:

                                                      i.        The players will vote for one (1) Manager.
The players will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote represents one (1) vote. Managers from each team will vote for twelve (12) players, each vote is worth twelve (12) votes. In a division with less than six (6) teams, the players shall select nine (9) players by ballot and the Managers shall select nine (9) which will be worth Twelve (12) points.

c.    Managers Options:

                                                      i.        In the case of a tie which makes more than twelve (12) players: (example: four kids tie for the 11th position, two tie for the 12th position, etc.) The Manager picks from the kids that are tied, that he/she wants to be part of the original twelve (12), the remaining are put back into the alternate pool.

                                                    ii.        The 13th and 14th positions are chosen from the next eight (8) top players in alternate pool. If there is a tie which makes this list more than eight the Manager must choose from the eight plus the tied players. (Example: four kids tie for the 6th position ­top 9, three tie for the 8th position - top 10, etc.) ONLY EXCEPTION is the Manager's kids.

                                                   iii.        Once the team is put together (called) if a player is unable to be on the team the Manager will replace them with a player from the kids left on the list in SECTION V. Only if all the players on that list our unable to play, the Manager may pick any player eligible in the vote.


SECTION XIII: Code of Conduct

A. Volunteer/Coach Code of Conduct


   We, the North East Santa Ana Little League, have implemented the following Volunteer/

Coach Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role of Volunteers,

Managers and Coaches in Youth Athletics. Volunteers, Managers and Coaches should read and understand this policy prior to volunteering in our league. Any volunteer guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility and be suspended from the following game. The Board of Directors will review all infractions. Depending on the severity or frequency, the Board may assess additional disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from North East Santa Ana Little League.




The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Good Citizenship.


No Volunteer, Manager or Coach Shall at Any Time:


a. Lay a hand upon, push, shove, strike, or threaten to strike an official.

b. Be guilty of heaping personal verbal or physical abuse upon any official for any real or imaginary belief of a wrong decision or judgment.

c. Be guilty of an objectionable demonstration of dissent at an official’s decision by throwing of gloves, helmets, hats, bats, balls, or any other forceful unsportsmanlike action.

d. Be guilty of using unnecessarily rough tactics in the play of a game against the body of an opposing player.

e. Be guilty of a physical attack upon any board member, official manager, coach, player or spectator.

f. Be guilty of the use of profane, obscene or vulgar language in any manner at any time.

g. Appear on the field of play, stands, or anywhere on the Little League complex while in an intoxicated state. Intoxicated will be defined as an odor or behavior issue.

h. Be guilty of gambling upon any play or outcome of any game with anyone at any time.

i. Smoke while in the stands or on the playing field or in any dugout. Smoking will only be permitted in designated areas which will be 20 feet from any spectator stands or dugouts.

j. Be guilty of publicly discussing with spectators in a derogatory or abusive manner any play, decision or a personal opinion on any players during the game.

k. As a manager or coach, be guilty of mingling with or fraternizing with spectators during the course of the game.

l. Speak disrespectfully to any manager, coach, official or representative of the league.

m. Be guilty of tampering or manipulating any league rosters, schedules, draft positions or selections, official score books, rankings, financial records or procedures.

n. Challenge an umpire’s authority. The umpires shall have the authority and discretion during a game to penalize the offender according to the infraction up to and including expulsion from the game.



B.Player Code of Conduct



   We, the North East Santa Ana Little League, have implemented the following Player Code

of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper behavior of players in our League. Players should read and understand this policy prior to participating in our league. Any player guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility and be suspended from the following game. The Board of Directors will review all infractions. Depending on the severity or frequency, the Board may assess additional disciplinary action up to and including expulsion from North East Santa Ana Little League.




The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles:







*Good Citizenship


The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these Six Pillars of Character.


I Therefore Agree:


*I will remember that games are played for fun!

*I will display good sportsmanship ahead of my own personal desire to win.

*I will demonstrate good sportsmanship regardless of the score by acting in a positive manner towards all players, officials, parents and coaches.

*I will show respect to all game officials, coaches, players, and parents and never act in a manner that would be disrespectful toward them.

*I will not use drugs, tobacco or alcohol at any North East Santa Ana Little League practice or game and will remind others on my team not to do so.

*I will shake hands with the other team at the conclusion of all games.

*I will shake hands with the officials at the conclusion of all games.








C.Sport Parent Code of Conduct



We, the North East Santa Ana Little League, have implemented the following Sport Parent

Code of Conduct for the important message it holds about the proper role of parents in supporting their child in sports. Parents should read and understand this policy prior to their children participating in our league. Any parent guilty of improper conduct at any game or practice will be asked to leave the sports facility and be suspended from the following game. Repeat violations may cause a multiple game suspension, or the season forfeiture of the privilege of attending all games.




The essential elements of character-building and ethics in sports are embodied in the concept of sportsmanship and six core principles: Trustworthiness, Respect, Responsibility, Fairness, Caring and Good Citizenship. The highest potential of sports is achieved when competition reflects these Six Pillars of Character


I Therefore Agree:


* I will not force my child to participate in sports.

* I will remember that children participate to have fun and that the game is for youth, not adults.

* I will inform the coach of any physical disability or ailment that may affect the safety of my   child or the safety of others.

* I will learn the rules of the game and the policies of the league.

* I (and my guests) will be a positive role model for my child and encourage sportsmanship by showing respect and courtesy, and by demonstrating positive support for all players, coaches, officials and spectators at every game, practice or other sporting event.

* I (and my guests) will not engage in any kind of unsportsmanlike conduct with any official, coach, player, or parent such as booing and taunting; refusing to shake hands; or using profane language or gestures.

* I will not encourage any behaviors or practices that would endanger the health and well being of the athletes.

* I will teach my child to play by the rules and to resolve conflicts without resorting to hostility or violence.

* I will demand that my child treat other players, coaches, officials and spectators with respect regardless of race, creed, color, sex or ability.

* I will teach my child that doing one’s best is more important than winning, so that my child will never feel defeated by the outcome of a game or his/her performance.

* I will praise my child for competing fairly and trying hard, and make my child feel like a winner every time.

* I will never ridicule or yell at my child or other participants for making a mistake or losing a competition.

* I will emphasize skill development and practices and how they benefit my child over winning. I will also deemphasize games and competition in the lower age groups.

* I will promote the emotional and physical wellbeing of the athletes ahead of any personal desire I may have for my child to win.

* I will respect the officials and their authority during games and will never question, discuss, or confront coaches at the game field, and will take time to speak with coaches at an agreed upon time and place.

* I will demand a sports environment for my child that is free from drugs, tobacco, and alcohol and I will refrain from their use at all sports events.

* I will refrain from coaching my child or other players during games and practices, unless I am one of the official coaches of the team.




North East Santa Ana Little league (NESALL) expects all participants to exhibit exemplary behavior both on and off the field while involved in any NESALL associated events. NESALL reserves the right to discipline any Manager, Coach, Parent, Volunteer or Player who violates the League’s conduct codes during any Little League associated game, practice or event. Disciplinary action will be taken according to the procedure and policy outlined below.



• Complaints must be communicated to a North East Santa Ana Little League Board member, preferably in writing. Anonymous complaints cannot result in formal discipline.

• All complaints will be forwarded to the League President.

• In the event the complaint is against the League President, the complaint shall be forwarded to the Vice President who will act as the NESALL President.

• The League President may, at his or her discretion, deal with the complaint, or forward it to the Disciplinary Committee.

• Individuals accused of violating the disciplinary policy shall be informed of the complaint and will have the opportunity to respond before disciplinary action is taken.

• In cases in which the complaint is referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the President of the League reserves the right to suspend the manager, coach, spectator, volunteer or player from further participation until the Disciplinary Committee can perform its due diligence to determine the punishment.

• ALL participants determined to be involved in unacceptable behavior will be disciplined.




• The Disciplinary Committee will be comprised of three members of the North East Santa Ana Little League Board of Directors, to be appointed by the League President before the beginning of the season. Should the complaint be against or directly involve a member of the Disciplinary Committee, the President shall appoint a replacement.

• In cases in which the complaint has been referred to the Disciplinary Committee, the Disciplinary Committee will review the case and present its recommended action to the League President. This will be done as expeditiously as possible.

• Once the League President has received the recommendation of the Disciplinary Committee, he/she may follow the recommendation or modify it as is seen fit.

• The League President will present the recommendation to the Board of Directors for approval.

• A summary of the disciplinary action(s) will be delivered in writing to the subject of the complaint. This may take the form of email, U.S. mail, or other means.




North East Santa Ana Little League’s "3 Strikes, You’re Out” disciplinary policy establishes the range of discipline to be used for any/all violations of the League’s Code of Conduct. This disciplinary policy applies to both the general and player memberships, as well as to parents, guardians, volunteers, spectators and fans.


Strike 1 – In the event of a first violation, a penalty to be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:

• Warning

• Game(s) suspension (which includes all other NESALL activities during the period, including practices/events)

• Expulsion


Strike 2 – In the event of a second violation, a penalty to be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:

• Game(s) suspension (which includes all other NESALL activities during the period, including practices/events)

• Expulsion


Strike 3 – In the event of a third violation, a penalty to be imposed based upon the severity of the infraction, ranging from, but not limited to:

• Expulsion


PLEASE NOTE: Expulsion is an option, even after the first violation, depending on the severity of the violation. Also, in accordance with Little League International rules, any person suspended from Little League activities is not allowed to be present at any Little League event or function including practices and games. This includes being in the dugout, or any spectator areas (bleachers, outfield, etc.).

Little League International rules state that any player, manager, or coach ejected from a game is automatically suspended from the next game.

Any disciplinary action that results in removal from the League for the remainder of the season must be approved by two-thirds of the NESALL Board of Directors. The person, or their parent(s), subject to removal for the remainder of the season, will have an opportunity to address the Board before a vote is taken.

In the event the complaint is against one or more members of the NESALL Board

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