2100 North Grand, Santa Ana, Ca
Webpage: nesall.org Facebook: @NESantaAnaLittleLeague
Instagram: @northeastsall
2025 Spring Registration
Inscripción de la primavera 2025
Registration is open to all Santa Ana residents as well as children who attend SAUSD schools and Fairhaven Elementary. Orange residents who live south of the 22 and west of the 55 freeways are also eligible to register. Please note that if your player does not live OR go to school in NESALL boundaries, they are not eligible for All Stars selection.
La inscripción está abierta para todos los residentes de Santa Ana, así como para los niños que asisten a las escuelas de SAUSD y la escuela primaria Fairhaven. Los residentes de Orange que viven al sur de la 22 y al oeste de la 55 también son elegibles para registrarse. Tenga en cuenta que si su jugador no vive O no va a la escuela en los límites de NESALL, no es elegible para la selección de All Stars.
Registration available online at nesall.org or in person at 2100 North Grand, Santa Ana, Ca (next to Sierra Academy)
All registration will be completed electronically
La inscripción está disponible en línea en nesall.org o
en persona en 2100 North Grand, Santa Ana, Ca (junto a la escuela Sierra Academy)
Todo el registro se completará electrónicamente.
Upon registration, you must pay half of your registration fee
Al registrarse, debe pagar la mitad de su tarifa de registro
Fees cover uniform, league insurance, umpire fees, facility fees
Las tarifas cubren el uniforme, el seguro de la liga, las tarifas de los árbitros y las tarifas de las instalaciones.
Sibling Discount $ 10 for second, third, fourth, etc. child registered
Descuento para hermano/as $ 10 para el segundo, tercer, cuarto, etc. niño/a registrado/a
2025 Spring Baseball Fees
Tarifas de béisbol de primavera de 2025
T-Ball (4-6 year olds first time players) $ 150
T-Ball (jugadores primerizos de 4 a 6 años) $ 150
Coach Pitch (5-6 year olds with Tee Ball Experience) $ 150
Coach Pitch (niños de 5 a 6 años con experiencia de Tee Ball) $ 150
A - Machine Pitch (6-7 year olds) $ 190
A - Lanzamiento de máquina (6-7 años) $ 190
AA (7-8 year olds) $ 190
AA (7-8 años) $ 190
AAA (9-10 year olds) $220
AAA (9-10 años) $220
Majors (10-12 year olds) $220
Mayores (10 a 12 años) $220
Intermediate (11-13 year olds) $260
Intermedio (niños de 11 a 13 años) $ 260
Junior (13-15 year olds) $ 260
Junior (13-15 años) $ 260
Seniors (15-16 year olds) $260
Seniors (15-16 años) $260
Practices begin the end of January with games beginning early March and run through Mid-May for regular season games. Post Season tournaments to include Santa Ana City Tournament, Tournament of champions, and the NESALL Angebrandt Tournament Run from Mid-May through June 8, 2025.
Las prácticas comienzan a fines de enero con juegos que comienzan a fines de marzo y duran hasta mediados de mayo para los juegos de la temporada regular. Los torneos posteriores a la temporada incluyen el Torneo de la ciudad de Santa Ana, el Torneo de campeones y el Torneo NESALL Angebrandt desde mediados de mayo hasta el 8 de junio de 2025.
Tryouts January 11, 2025
Pruebas 11 de enero de 2025
Opening Day March 8, 2025
Inauguración 8 de marzo de 2025
Closing Ceremonies June 7, 2025
Ceremonias de Clausura 7 de junio de 2025
All Stars scheduled to begin June 14, 2025
All Stars comienza el 14 de junio de 2025
Baseball Spring Season 2018
Registration is open to all Santa Ana residents, Children who attend Santa Ana Unified School District schools, Children who attend Fairhaven Elementary and residents who live in the city of Orange south of LA Highway 22 and west of Highway 55.
Registration is available online at: nesall.org
or in person at: 2100 North Grand, Santa Ana, Ca
You will receive a $ 20.00 discount if registration is paid in full before from November 30, 2017
When registering, you must pay half of the registration cost. The registration fee covers the following: uniform, league insurance, referee's fees, setup fees.
Payment plan available.
Spring 2018 season baseball dues
T-Ball (4-6 year olds) $ 100.00 AAA (9-11 year olds) $ 170.00
Coach Pitch (6-7 year olds) $ 100.00 Majors (10-12 year olds) $ 170.00
A - Machine Pitch (7-8 year olds) $ 140.00 Intermediate (11-13 year olds) $ 210.00
AA (8-9 year olds) $ 140.00 Junior (13-15 year olds) $ 210.00
Registration dates:
Saturday Wednesday
October 14, 21 and 28, from 9am to 2pm October 18 and 25, from 5pm to 7pm
November 4, 11 and 18, from 9am to 2pm November 1, 8, 15 and 29, from 5pm to 7pm
December 2 and 9, from 9am to 2pm December 6 and 13, from 5pm to 7pm
January 6 from 9am to 2pm January 3 and 10, from 5pm to 7pm
Evaluations will be on January 13, 2018
Practices begin the first week of February 2018
The season begins on March 3, 2018
and continues until June 16, 2018
“DISMANTED: This activity is not sponsored by the school , and is not endorsed by the school or the Santa Ana Unified School District. The activities, products, or services advertised in this brochure are not endorsed by the school or the District. "